Differences Between Illustrator and Photoshop in Graphic Design - Zivaco News


Illustrator and Photoshop are mostly used for graphic design. Graphic design is the art and process of combining text and images to communicate a message effectively. In the business of graphic design, we get unlimited resources.

Computer programs are one of the most used in the work environment. In several professional profiles, such as the web application developer or the highest marketing and promotion specialist. It is almost essential to know them.

Graphic design is everywhere: behind each web page, each leaflet, each photograph, or each magazine, there is design work. Next, we will make a list of the most common types of graphicdesign so you can see know about them.

  • Editorial design
  • Web / Mobile Design
  • UX designer
  • Photography
  • Illustration
  • 3D Design / Animation
  • Corporate Design
  • Packaging design

 Some important points about graphic designing

Understanding typography 

The typography shows authority and brand appearance.Famous Graphic designers apply typography and photos to fit the user’s particular needs and focus on the philosophy of illustrating elements in interactive designs to optimize user knowledge.

In purely graphic terms, typography today is considered as necessary as the images themselves. It relates the families and font sizes as well as the spaces between them, without losing sight of the lines and measures to create new fonts or modify existing ones.

The designer needs to make a magazine, brochure, catalog, and increase the success of the products or services.

Creative design

The creative design is an essential part of every business, whether it is part of the daily work or because it complements their identity. Whatever the case may be, knowing what can be achieved with both programs, as well as putting it into practice, can be a decisive watershed, also allowing the saving of resources and the optimization of times. Creative design granting an integral vision of the industry, in addition to promoting the production.

Adobe is undoubtedly one of the most relevant platforms in the creative design/sector and distinguished by offering precise solutions for specific needs.

Manipulate anddesign 

Manipulate and design is access to building user interfaces that are created to effect or trick users into taking appropriate moves that they might not get otherwise. Often users are manipulated by design, though how is this accomplished, and how does it build a reliable user experience? Of course, we should have to be decent, granting pleasant experiences for users within a product or service.

Manipulation is ambiguous. The design should be good. Apparently, the two are distributed by intention. But frequently, in practice, the two energies are meeting.

Logo ideas

Do you want imaginative logo ideas& motivation? No matter what industry you require a logo for, it begins with inspiration.

Take a pencil and paper, start stuffing it with ordinary things. When writing logo ideas, just let your hand flow free without too much thought. One of the lines or arches you are beginning could turn the game in the logo you are designing. Here are some suggestions that might help to get logo ideas.

  • Learn from others
  • Analyze the brand
  • Make drafts
  • Fight for perfection
  • Take a break

What are Photoshop and Illustrator?

Illustrator (1987) and Photoshop (1990) have become two of the leading programs of the Adobe suite. Thanks to the multiple tools that have been integrated over the last decades and that allow to fly the imagination to create All kinds of designs. In fact, for creativity in these software, “not even the sky is the limit” because new universes can be created.

In the world of advertising and graphic design, we work with different computer programs for the creation and digital edition of images.

Among the most popular are Photoshop and Illustrator, both of the American company Adobe


Photoshop is distinguished by allowing the user to modify pre-existing graphics. Thanks to its large number of filters and modifiers, as well as the creation of bitmap images, which makes it quite popular.

When it is required to shape some graphic for web platforms, touch up colors or lighting details and shape, digitally paint, edit videos or animations frame by frame, or for any other job in which it is not necessary to modify the quality of the image, but to improve its appearance.


On the other hand, Illustrator is the graphic designer’s favorite tool when making logos, Since the generated images are created from vector graphics. These vectors work with mathematical formulas in which points are joined across lines, which allows their images to be easily scalable. With this tool, you can give a real picture of your logo ideas.

10 Differences between Illustrator and Photoshop

1) Vectors Vs Pixels

This difference is what makes the two programs so different because, with the vectors, you can enlarge or shrink the images as many times as you want without losing any quality. On the other hand, with the pixels, you will not have any other choice but to work with limited sizes.

Perhaps the main difference between the two programs is the illustration technique since Illustrator is based on the use of vectors to connect points and build an object.

2) Illustrator prints Vs Photoshop

As you can see, being images that do not alter its quality when changing volume. Illustrator images are perfect for printing in giant sizes. If you want to print an image in Photoshop, be sure to do it to the extent of your file, or you’ll regret it.

The issue of quality and size that allows pixels or vectors, also results in printing possibilities, because the designs made with Illustrator can be used for large jobs, such as bill boards. In contrast, in Photoshop, the size of the print will be subject to the quality of the image.

3) Image quality

From the first difference of pixels and vectors between the two programs, some advantages and disadvantages are created for each one. For example, although in both cases, you can zoom to a large scale when it comes to Photoshop, the image size is limited and will ‘pixelate’ when the magnifying glass gets very close.

That is why, if you are going to work in Photoshop, it is best to use photos or images of great clarity and size, so that the quality is not affected if it is necessary to expand it in the design.

In Illustrator, this does not happen, no matter how much the magnifying glass is close to the image, the quality of the vector will not be affected. That is, the size is unlimited, and giant scales can be made.

4) Object selection and editing

You won’t be able to edit objects with shapes using Photoshop (it’s not that kind of editing you’re thinking) I mean modify lines directly or modify the form of an object.

While in Illustrator there is an object selection tool, to modify it in any way (color, size, shape, etc.) With this option, you can adjust the smallest point your design is made of, which gives you control over the rounded corners thanks to the pen tool.

5) Weight of the images

Here we refer to the time of saving the images and the weight of the files. With Photoshop, the weight of the images is higher than in Illustrator, because it works with pixels. When working with pixels, it generates much heavier files, and they can increase in size quickly while adding changes.

In Illustrator, it does not matter the number of elements that are used; the size adjusts to the need for the export. With good Illustrator, you won’t have massive files while working with vectors. If you add images with pixels to your desk, you will increase its weight.

6) Fast learning, Illustrator Vs Photoshop

If you are starting in the world of Illustrator design, you will find it easier to learn. Photoshop is not that simple since it has different levels of editing that could give you a headache.

So is Illustrator a perfect tool? Of course not at all. But when you want to create and you are limited with a universal tool – a mouse – you should take a look at the vector editors. If you are familiar with Photoshop, getting to Illustrator will be more comfortable, since they have almost the same interface and shortcuts.

You can also try alternatives, such as Inks cape, and see if it suits you. Start using the mouse for this type of art that is more suitable, and you will know that it can be great too.

7) Use of Ctrl + Z in Illustrator and Photoshop

You can go back a fair number of times back if you make a mistake while designing with Illustrator. With Photoshop you only have one try if you apply the CTRL + Z, but you can fool the program to do it like in Illustrator if you add the ALT command, like this: CTRL + ALT + Z

8) With or without limits? Work table

When it comes to being creative and letting the imagination fly, the limits are essential, including those established in the design program’s workspace. In that sense, Illustrator takes advantage to Photoshop, because the designer can work ‘outside’ the table and, in fact, in a single panel allows to create multiple work tables.

With Photoshop, you are only closed to work within the area that you are given, which I do not think is a disadvantage, but creatives sometimes prefer to work without having “limits.”

Things that Photoshop can and Illustrator can’t do in graphic design.

9) The reflection of reality

Another advantage that Photoshop has thanks to the use of pixels is the reflection of reality, because shadows, gradients, color transitions, and visual effects can be seen in greater detail. This allows more emotional designs that connect with the feelings of the viewer. Being an edition on pixels and not vector lines, you can generate incredible effects with shadows and lights in Photoshop.

On the other hand, Illustrator reflects more precise tones and less detailed tone transitions, with a more corporate feel.

10) Layers

Not everything good happens in Illustrator since having a large number of objects on a work table can be a bit chaotic to organize the elements.

Although everything must remain within the worktable, the advantage of Photoshop is that, it allows you to develop multiple changes or designs and always be able to return to the original image through the layers. In turn, this helps the organization because each new element (different from itself) is identified with a layer that can be activated or deactivated. Thanks to the layers, you will have better organized all the elements of your design.

11) Zoom in and Zoom out

The zoom out of Photoshop was 0.185%, which has been upgraded from 3,13%. Meanwhile, the zoom-in has also been upgraded from 6400% to 12800%. These advancements have been introduced in updated in 2019. This valuable addition allows you to have your picture pixelate at 300%. It was all about Photoshop.

But, the illustrator has also never been on the backlines; according to the recent developments, zoom in has been upgraded to 64000% and zoom out to 3.12% as well as the vector never gets pixelate.

Some differences between Illustrator and Photoshop we might consider neutral.

Photoshop is mostly used to make image adjustments, mockups, and even web page mockups. With Illustrator, it is preferred to create logos, fonts, and icons. With Photoshop, you select areas and with Illustrator objects.

Which program is preferred by famous designers?

This question does not have a correct answer since you can use both programs. But it is considered very generic that Photoshop is a program that can best serve artists and photographers.

At the same time, Illustrator is more oriented to famous graphic designers for their vector qualities. We tell you that both Illustrator and Photoshop are the best tools. You can use it since they are the softwares that best complements each other in graphic design and illustration.

Understanding the fundamental differences between Photoshop and Illustrator will help you make the best decision about which software is best for your next project. The important thing is to identify the needs of your design and which software will give you better results.

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