How much Fashion Bloggers can Earn - Zivaco News


Blogging is getting on knees and toes as the whole world is digitalized. The world is getting global so each problem and each concern is referred to as the internet. Blogging on this point becomes the backbone for search engines as it offers a detailed solution to the queries. So, blogging is getting into a trend as it has become the basic source of income for most of the bloggers. According to a survey, the highest-paid fashion blogs earn 1 million$ to 3 million$ per year. This income is generated usually from the ads put on their sites and mainly from the marketing campaigns which they do for the famous fashion houses of the industry. Most of the US bloggers earn as:

  • Some bloggers earn under $1000/month
  • Many of them enhance it to $5K/month
  • And some are fortunate enough to range it to $5k

Apart from monetization, your fashion blog is a major source where you can convincingly express your creativity. It is the major platform that gives you a chance to do whatever you wish. All the top fashion blogs of the world have their own unique identity, recognition, voice, and taste in fashion that makes them stand above all. They highlight and promote what they like and prefer, so it could be done by you, highlighting your interests and preferences. So, you can get a chance to unveil your interests and creativity to the world giving it a superb boost.

So one major fact to keep in mind is, it’s not the fashion blog that makes money it’s the promotional campaigns performed by the fashion bloggers that make them earn their livelihood. If you are an early starter who wishes to establish his fashion blog and monetize it, we have pooled a list of tips and tricks that can help to monetize your fashion blog:

Choose “easy to remember Name”

Your blog name should be easy to recall. Although the fashion terms are hard to recall yet an easy, short and sweet name can help your viewer remembering it and opening the site with ease and comfort. Your site name (domain name) should reflect your vision and voice as well as the creativity of your soul. The more professional site name is, the more engagement it will get from the viewers.

Get user-friendly and customized theme

The design and layout are all in all the first thing that anyone will notice simply entering your website. Your theme should be an amalgamation of professionalism and creativity you want to manifest through your blog. A simple business theme will not work suitably here. You should choose a design that will work with your blog’s needs as well as have an understanding sequence where your viewer can find lists and menus easily.

Another major concern with your theme should be its responsiveness. As responsive theme works efficiently on laptop, mobile, desktop as well as on all the gadgets. This feature enhances the work capacity and speed of the website that makes it possible to be used by multiple viewers simultaneously.

Add human-friendly content

Human-friendly content can help leading more traffic and leads to your blog. Add informative, entertaining and assisting content that you think will help your viewers and readers in some way. It is seen that the reader-friendly content is also promoted and ranked by the search engines. The search engines rank the content that the reader click and read more. So if you want to monetize your blog, you have to add the content that is readable for humans not for software. If your content is of no use for your viewers, your blog will give you no benefit.

Use correct optimizing tools to bring more viewers

Your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategy is the one basic component that can help you in determining the monetization span of your blog. The more your blog will be visible to search engines, the higher it will be ranked benefitting you with more viewers and clicks. The engagement of the blog and its finding through a search engine should be made as easy as possible, it’s, in other words, a trap through which you can lead your viewers direct to your website.

The top blogs of the world get most of their traffic from the search engines that are mostly used (Google, Bing). These search engines refer to a blog or site that is mostly visited in the answer to a query. The basic facts that count in the proper and perfect SEO of a site include

  • Better loading speed of your site

You have to expedite the speed of your website e.g. its loading time and giving results or opening of pages on clicking any list or menu. Multiple plugins are available on the internet that help you optimize the speed of your blog. Just search in the category of speed optimization and you will get your respective plugin.

  • User engagement with exciting and entertaining content

To keep the viewer engaged on your site, you have to engage him on the site by presenting interesting and exciting content. It is examined that the sites to which viewers leave soon after entering it hurt its ranking. So the best possible cure of this is to engage the leads into the content of their interest. Present them what they want to see.

Fashion blogging is one of the highest paying categories of blog word. Yet, one thing to be noted is, it is not an enter-and-earn category. The major part of the earning of a fashion blog comes from the endorsements yet you can be one of them. The only thing needed to be done by you is to start rightly, add content regularly, keep on updating with advanced technologies and you will start to get your fruits.

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