The Best Full Body Workout for Women - Zivaco News


When we want to shape our body, there is a multitude of exercises for women. But do you know how to choose a good full-body workout for women?

Many people seek an aesthetic goal with their training. For example, look thinner and with the most marked muscles under the skin.

Many fall into the error of thinking that they should only follow a personalized balanced diet and perform simple and easy workouts at home.

However, it will also be decisive to perform the most appropriate exercises. Different types of full-body strength workout are given below:

How to do full-body workout effectively?

In this sense, the exercises that spend the most calories will make us reach our goals more quickly. Those full-body workouts for women are called multiarticular exercises.

Besides, to lose body fat and increase muscle mass, which will result in the much-desired definition in the body, we must perform the daily full-body workout.

Forget about classic topics like getting weights is only for men. Or that you will get very big or masculine when doing weights.

Nothing is further from reality. An exercise routine for women also includes working with weights. Only then will you lose weight and define your muscles.

But beware! It is always necessary to learn the technique of the exercises. Besides, you must adapt the weight to your physical condition.

Full body workout routine for women:

As we have said, the key to achieving our goals is to have a good routine for women.

Next, we propose exercises that will make you work your whole body. In this way, you will achieve a high caloric expenditure and achieve your goal:


Legs spread hip-width, straight back, body weight at heels. Bring your hip back and down, flexing your knees, as if you were going to sit in a chair.

In that position, keep your chest upright. And remember: take a breath while you go down, release it when you go up and contract your buttocks.

Jumping squats represent the highest energy expenditure compared to squats without jumps and isometric squats.

The main reason could be because introducing exercise without a control phase (jump) implies a greater activation of the motor muscles involved and, specifically, of the fast muscle fibers

Squat with arms above the head:

To reduce joint impact, or not disturb neighbors if done at home. It allows maintaining the verticality of the trunk, as well as posing a challenge for the mobility of the shoulder girdle.

The natural tendency in the squat is to tilt the trunk forward, compromising the depth and the motor pattern of the trunk.

Performing it with arms up will correct this possible problem and will also serve to evaluate the overall coordination


One leg forward and the other behind the centerline of your body. With the back straight and the heel of the back leg elevated.

From there, flex both knees to form a 90º angle with both knees. The knee of the back leg doesn’t need to touch the ground. As in a squat, keep your torso upright and contract your buttocks when climbing.


Arms flexed and supported on the floor, straight back and active abdomen. Hold the position while still breathing.


You can do them with the knees supported if you still do not have the physical condition and pelvic lumbo stability necessary to do them with the support of the feet. Keep the abdomen active throughout the exercise.

Ground funds:

Performing traction exercises before the thrusts will help us perform a correct activation of the external rotators of the shoulder, allowing us a greater awareness of the scapular retraction necessary in the thrusts to prevent injuries, especially at the level of the rotator cuff.

Exercise of intensity comparable to 69% of body weight in the lower part of the movement and 75% at the point of maximum contraction, with the muscles, mainly involved: pectoralis major, triceps brachii, anterior deltoids and Serrato anterior; in addition to a notable activation of the abdomen to maintain the posture

Comparable to the bench press in terms of contraction intensity when using elastic bands added to the movement

Combined full body workout for women: another possibility in an exercise routine:

In addition to the multi-articular full body workout for women that we have already commented on, the combined exercises will be a good option.

In this way we will achieve an effective and complete exercise routine for women:

Squat and paddle:

Squat on the pulley with your arms extended and your back straight. When climbing from the starting position, pull the bar towards your chest, joining the scapulae.

Iron and jump:

From the iron position with your arms extended, jump forward with your feet apart. From there, stand up with energy and jump up.

When falling, receive with the tips of your feet, bend down to put your hands on the floor and then return to the iron position by jumping backward with your feet together.

To do this exercise well, good control of pelvic stability and a great abdominal activation is also necessary.

Split and military press:

We combine the split exercise with a unilateral military press. When we extend the legs from the initial position, we raise the dumbbell above the head extending the arm.

Finally, perform 10-12 repetitions of these exercises, at least 3 sets. You can do each of them by series, leaving 1 minute of rest between series, or in-circuit mode, moving from one exercise to the next. In the latter case, leave 30 seconds between exercises and repeat the circuit 3 times.

Zivaco News

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